Creative Scotland’s Location Website

Creative Scotland was a client at Squiz and they needed a new site for their locations database to help film-makers find the perfect settings for their new movie through a selection of listed properties. 

It was a great chance to showcase the beautiful scenery of the Scottish countryside and cities, so we thought the imagery needed to be showcased in the best possible way. This involved creating a clean looking site with full hero banners on their landing pages to mimic a cinematic vista for the user. 


This included a clean and simple location page showing the listings of a certain area next to a map with clear call to actions helping the user to find what they were looking for, almost similar to sites like Airbnb.

I was also able to create the wireframes from scratch and bring it forward to design which made this a great opportunity to create the main layout and look of the site all by myself with the help and guidance from the Creative Director as well as the client.

You can view the full site here.


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